A Shovel Full of Dirt
By David Pond

The Day After the Election, I Went To Work

               The day after the presidential election of 2012 that propelled Barack Obama into a second term, I got up at 5:00 a.m. from a rather sleepless night.  I made coffee, put on my work uniform, shaved, kissed my wife good-bye and was at the office at 6:00 a.m.  

                Like the movie “Groundhog Day”, this is a standard routine that generally takes place six days a week.  I have done this for eighteen years since starting my own business and I did it eighteen years prior to that working for someone else.  I go to work…..my employees go to work.

                In his first term, Obama promised to reduce the unemployment rate.  Instead he and the Washington politicians enacted an almost endless extension of unemployment benefits (without adequate oversight).  The taxpayer funded benefits bought a lot of votes.   I went to work….my employees went to work. 

                Barack Obama promised bipartisan congressional work on all big legislative agendas.  He then rammed Obamacare down the throats of the American people with unprecedented congressional manipulation.  He paid off Representative Bart Stupak with a “thirty pieces of silver” promise and gained a vote.  Obama, through Harry Reid, made a deal with Senator Nelson called the “Cornhusker Kickback” with 45 million taxpayer dollars.  Senator Bernie Sanders got a 10 billion dollar deal.  Louisiana came up with a 300 million dollar Medicaid increase….All this to pass the bill that Nancy Pelosi pleaded for her followers to pass to they could see what was in it. 

                Obama bought a lot of re-election votes with Obamacare.  “Free” healthcare coverage for all.  This is very attractive to those who can’t get (or won’t get) jobs with healthcare benefits. Individual coverage packages are expensive and hard to obtain from the large insurance companies. These companies are busy insuring their own survival by making deals with the Government to administer Obamacare and a “welfare nation”.

                Now I am wondering how to pay for employee healthcare benefits which I have been furnishing to my employees.  The costs have increased 58% in the last three years…..So I go to work…..Anyone who does not have health insurance will be taxed (mandate)….So I go to work. 

                Obama’s bank and insurance company bailouts cost taxpayers billions.  In many cases the government turned a blind eye to millions in bank and insurance executive bonuses after the bailout.  These executives no doubt have a lot of goodwill toward the Administration….But I still go to work.

                As part of the bailout of the banking and housing industries, which were wrecked by the unparalleled mismanagement of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (taxpayer funded), more votes were bought by taxpayers.  Bailouts gave billions in dollars for defaulted mortgages…..So I go to work.

                Obama takes credit for saving the automotive industry.  He, of course, used billions in taxpayer dollars to buy more votes.  By circumventing bankruptcy law and illegally, unconstitutionally buying private stock and seizing bondholder possessions in private corporations, Obama procured the votes and organizational power of the automotive unions and satellite companies controlled by them.  The unions now control much of the corporate stock….no bailout for me….I go to work!

                Obama’s “Green Energy Agenda” is well-named. It took a lot of taxpayer “Green” to fund billions in special interest group’s inefficient attempts to power our nation with expensive and unproven technology. Many of the companies receiving this windfall of taxpayer money have already gone bankrupt while legitimate, profitable, and tax-paying, coal, oil, electric, and natural gas companies are regulated into oblivion…. Obama did state that “Energy costs will necessarily have to increase”….So I go to work. I need to pay for gasoline that has doubled in cost since Obama came into office.

                Our Nation, through its historical capitalistic economy is a very rich nation when one considers private wealth.  Obama has an aversion to private wealth (unless it’s his own).

                In contrast to private wealth, our government is close to insolvency.  The credit rating of the government has been downgraded and probably is going to be downgraded again in the near future.  The politicians have no intention of slowing down their vote buying.  They will remain solvent by seizing private wealth through taxation….But still, I go to work.

                I will remind you that Obama and Democrats are in the process of greatly reducing our military strength.  They do this in the pretense of reducing our 16 trillion dollar governmental debt ($52,000 for each U.S. citizen – man, woman or child).

                What happens when some entity decides it wants all of our private wealth….our farmland, our resources, our minerals, our people to do labor?  The entities I refer to are our own unchecked, bloated government, China (our banker), Russia, or a coalition of Muslim states….Although at this point it is “too little, too late”…..I will go to work.